Tree Bot. name Variety Mature ht Flower Fall color
Beech, tri-color Fagus sylvatica tricolor 25-30' golden
Beech, weeping Fagus purpurea Purple 6-8' red
Birch, River Betula nigra Native 40-50' golden yellow
Birch, Heritage Betula nigra Heritage 35-40 yellow
Cherry, Weeping Prunus serrulata Snow Fountain 10-15' white gold/orange
Cherry, Weeping Prunus serrulata Pink 10-15' pink gold/orange
Dogwood Cornus kousa Kousa 20-30' white marroon
Dogwood Cornus florida White 20-30' white burgundy
Dogwood Cornus florida Pink 20-30' pink burgundy
Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus White 12-20' white yellow
Hazelnut Filbert americana Contorted 10-12' white yellow
Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthus Sunburst 35' yellow
Magnolia Magnolia liliiflora Jane 0-15 fushia pink insig.
Maple, Red Acer rubrum Red 50' small red scarlet
Maple, sugar Acer saccharum Sugar 50-75' yellow/red
Maple Acer platanoides Crimson King 35' redder
Mountain Ash Sorbus aucuparia Cardinal Royal 20-30' red
Oak Quercus rubra N. Red 60-75' red
Pear, Flowering Pyrus callerana Cleveland 25-30' white red/purple
Pear, Flowering Pyruss cal. Autumn Blaze 35' white crimson red
Redbud Cercis canadensis E. Clump 20-30' pink/red yellow
Redwood, Dawn Metasequoia Dawn 60' russet
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus Various 8-10' Red insig.
Sassafrass Sassafrass albidum Native 60' yellow yellow
Serviceberry Amelanchier speciosa Native 20-25' white red-orange
Sycamore Platanus ocidentalis Native 70-80' yellow
Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Native 70-80' white yellow
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